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Adding a little oomph to your training

Disclaimer: I received a free pack of MetCon Start Pre-Training to review as part of being a BibRave Pro. Learn more about becoming a BibRave Pro (ambassador), and check out to review, find, and write race reviews!

Hello my fellow readers! Today, I’d like to share my experience with a pre-workout supplement called MetCon Start. Their blend claims to increase your muscle endurance, stamina and nitric oxide production. As someone who has a scientific background, I definitely can’t speak to it increasing my nitric oxide production, but I can speak to how I felt while using it.

A little bit of background about me if you are just joining me on my blogging journey. My main hobby is running. I’ve been running consistently since 2014 and on average log around 20 miles a week. More recently, due to quarantine, I did up my mileage the past few months to maybe 40 miles a week and had completed a broken up road 50k in April.

By the time I received MetCon Start, I was working towards attempting my first continuous 50k (2nd one in 24 hours). I had maybe a week to decide whether I wanted to use MetCon Start to prepare for it. Even though every experienced runner will tell you not try anything new on race day, I figured that because my 50k was virtual, I could swing back towards my place if something disastrous were to happen. Soooo going against every runner’s advice, I decide to use it for the race.

Before actual race day, I did test various scoops of MetCon start the week leading up to it. It suggests that 1 scoop is recommended, but if you are concerned about how you will deal with it, they suggest a half scoop first. A half scoop on a 3 mile run gave me no issues. A full scoop on a 15 mile run also gave me no issues so I figured it’d be fine to use.

On race day, I added 1 scoop to my water, shook it a bit to dissolve it, and guzzled it 25 min before I started my race. I’ve tried using other supplements before and I was pleasantly surprised that MetCon Start dissolves very easily in water. It doesn’t require you to use a ball blender of any sort. You just add the powder to the water and give it a few shakes and voila, it’s ready. MetCon Start comes in a Fruit Punch flavor, which is not overly sweet and actually very clean tasting. It doesn’t taste like typical fruit punch and I can’t quite put my finger on what it actually tastes like, but it’s a very pleasant drink.

They do recommend that you take it 15 min prior to your physical activity I wanted to be on the safe side and give it a little more time. During the majority of the 50k, I felt fairly strong, which is saying a lot. Normally, during any marathon, I bonk at mile 20. Doesn’t matter how well I prepare, mile 20 comes around and I start slowing down significantly. During this 50k, I felt good until mile 25. Taking MetCon Start seems to have staved off my fatigue and although, it couldn’t stave it off the entire 50k, I’m pretty happy it delayed the eventual pain town I would have entered 5 miles earlier. LOL.

It’s also super important to note that I had no gut issues while taking MetCon Start. My gut is very sensitive during race day and in normal races, I can only drink water and sometimes. Even in some cases, pHed water gives me an upset stomach soooo having no issues with MetCon Start was awesome.

In addition to the vitamins and electrolytes that MetCon Start provides, it also has a bit of caffeine in it too. They do recommend that on your non-training days to drink some at the start of your morning. I’ve also done that too and I don’t necessarily feel any different from taking it, but it’s a good way to force myself to hydrate and additional supplements couldn’t hurt.

Overall, I had a really great experience with this. If you’re interested in getting yourself a pack, you can use code BIBRAVE for 20% off your first order. If you have any questions, let me know!

Also, see what my fellow BibRave Pros had to say about it. Once more reviews are up, I’ll link them below. 🙂



My name is Mai and I am a recent PhD graduate. :) When not hard at work, I can be found training for a race, traveling the world, or talking about Disneyland. Come join me on my journey and help me navigate this world. :)

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