Posted in BibRave Reviews, Discount Codes, Running, Thoughts

XX2i Optics France 2 Review (Discount code included)

Disclaimer: I received a pair of France2 sunglasses from XX2i Optics  to review as part of being a BibRavePro. Learn more about becoming a BibRave Pro (ambassador), and check out to review, find, and write race reviews!

After having gone through some winter training this year, I find that I’m more of a summer training kind of gal. I had a blast training for the NYC marathon last year. There was more daylight and oh the WARMTH, I just loved the warmth (except when it was 80°F+). Unfortunately more daylight meant more sun and more sun meant my eyes were constantly blinded when I ran towards the sun. I would sometimes wear my YELP sunglasses from time to time, but they’d fog up so often that I would just go without them, which wasn’t the smartest idea since I’m pretty sure I blinded my eyes, but those are just the details. 🙂

The France2 sunglasses are amazing and I swear I will probably never go back to running without them. Never.

Fog free – When I run, I need to see where I’m going and if there’s fog build up, that’s not going to happen. The adjustability of the sunglasses prevents fog build up, which I appreciate immensely.XX2iopticsFrance2

Headache free and bounce free – I’m prone to headaches whenever I wear glasses (Thank goodness for 20/20 vision) or have tight headbands so this is a HUGE issue for me. I’ve worn these sunglasses for hours and I haven’t developed headaches from them. Yay. It also helps that these sunglasses don’t bounce up and down when I run.

Durability – I’ve had these sunglasses for about a month now and they’re pretty durable despite their light weight (26 g). I was in a rush one day and I accidentally put them into my backpack along with my laptop and papers and when I took it out, it was good as new. Thank god. I would have been super sad had they broken.

Variety – I chose the Crystal Green Flash Lenses Green Tips to try out, but they have quite a variety of sunglasses if those don’t suit you. And if you’re not a fan of the color that the nose bridge and tips come in, your sunglasses will include nose bridges and tips in red and blue. My sunglasses even came with a little mini screwdriver if I wanted to change up the colors.IMG_7848

Affordability – Right now, they’re having a sale where you can get a pair of their sunglasses for 50% off using code MARCHBIBRAVE. This code is valid until 03/28/2017 and applies to everything on their site. MSRP for the France2s are $59.99 so you’d be getting an entire $30 off your purchase. Every pair also comes back with a 365 day money back guarantee and a lifetime frame and lens warranty – even against scratches. YAY.

Reflectivity – This is completely nitpicking and I’m super grateful for its ability to prevent reflect the sun, but I honestly could not take a photo without the reflection of the photographer (being me for selfies) in the photo. Other than that, I have no complaints. 🙂

Can you see my friend in the reflection? LOL

So there you have it – my review of my first Bib Rave Pro product. Hooray! I could not have started off with a better one. Again, use code MARCHBIBRAVE on their site to receive 50% off anything. And feel free to ask me any questions regarding this product and have a happy rest of your weekend!


My name is Mai and I am a recent PhD graduate. :) When not hard at work, I can be found training for a race, traveling the world, or talking about Disneyland. Come join me on my journey and help me navigate this world. :)

11 thoughts on “XX2i Optics France 2 Review (Discount code included)

  1. I’m really intrigued by these. I should get a pair for running and this seems like a great deal!
    That said, sunglasses look horrible on me. Do I sacrifice vanity and just get the loudest pair they have? (got my eye on that blue/pink combo)

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Haha! I guess it really depends on what your purpose is for getting sunglasses. I don’t usually wear mine to look cool although, I rarely look uncool. LOL I kid. If you’re getting them for running purposes, they are so great. They don’t fall off your head like most sunglasses do. I thought I’d wear them during yesterday’s half, but the sun never game out so they just stayed on the top of my head for the entire half. I kept checking to make sure they hadn’t fallen off cause I didn’t really feel them. LOL. Please let me know if you do get them and how you like them!


  2. Great first product review!! I wished I had opted-in for this test too but I might just use that code and get a pair anyway 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

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