Posted in Running, Thoughts

Time Traveling to Me 10+ years ago

With it being Throwback Thursday, I thought it would be appropriate to post a picture or two from my first half marathon at the 2014 San Diego Rock N Roll Half Marathon.

At my first Health and Fitness Expo
And after finishing my first half

Now let’s go further back in time about 10+ years to when I was in high school.

Wasn’t I just the cutest? Braces and all? 🙂

10+ years ago, I HATED running. Running sucked. My lungs always felt like they were on fire and it was JUST one mile. I will admit this was also probably due to my TERRIBLE eating habits. I mean, who knew eating a bag of flaming hot fritos a day would do terrible things to your body? They have really got to emphasize this in middle school. If you have kids, instill good eating habits in them. Do not have them repeat my mistakes. Eating a bag of chips a day will ruin you. 

Anyway, I digress. The point is I was not a fan of running back then. One year, my track and field coach had everyone run 400 meters. He wanted to see if we had potential. Yeah, I didn’t (at least not that I could see at the time). I was a long/triple jumper. I had big calves. And those calves were meant for jumping. Not for speed work. And not for 400 meters. But I ran it anyway. I ran for the 400 meters at full speed and ended up collapsing at the finish line. How embarassing. My pride was hurt and after that incident, I told myself that I was NEVER going to be a real runner.

Fast forward to the present

I’ve come along way since then. Something that I hated years and years ago, I now love. I’ve completed 11 half marathons, 1 full marathon, and am on my way to completing my 2nd full. I also have a plan for the future, which I’ll write about soon. 🙂 It’s a good one, I promise.

So what about you? Have you accomplished something that you originally didn’t think was possible? What crazy plans do you have for your future? #mindovermatter



My name is Mai and I am a recent PhD graduate. :) When not hard at work, I can be found training for a race, traveling the world, or talking about Disneyland. Come join me on my journey and help me navigate this world. :)

14 thoughts on “Time Traveling to Me 10+ years ago

  1. When I was in college one of my science professors told me I would never be a scientist, yet here I am a successful scientist. I guess the difference is even though she didn’t think I could do it, I always knew I could. I can’t wait to hear about your plans for the future!

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    1. Congrats on becoming a successful scientist! What field are you in?

      I’m in a class where we teach teaching assistants about fixed and growth mindsets and how students respond much better to being told that they can learn to be great in a field. Your college professor clearly believed in the fixed mindset. I’m so glad you proved him or her wrong! 😊

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      1. Nothing officially on the books as of yet. Looking for an apartment with my boyfriend and have a big trip planned in 2 weeks so all other spending has halted unfortunately. But hopefully not too far in the future.

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